DreamBee Foundation

We fund prevention and intervention initiatives designed to stop child abuse and neglect before it begins

Citing evidence of impact, our Grantees are equally passionate about ridding our society of the devastation that plagues the lives of innocent victims.

A Movement to Eradicate Child Abuse

We love children
and we believe that every child should live free from abuse and neglect.

Across the United States, approximately every 10 seconds someone reports to authorities that a child is being abused.  And while this is a shocking amount, social work professionals believe that the actual incidence rate in the United States is almost three times what is reported.

“Children are born into a world with limitless possibilities…Tragically abuse and neglect erodes that promise for hundreds of thousands of Americans daughters and sons”.

President Barack H. Obama DreamBee Foundation was founded in 2015 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation.
Join the Movement

Your contributions help
save innocent children.

Your contributions help shield innocent children from the devastating effects of Abuse and Neglect.
We appreciate and love our donors and our volunteers. Your generosity supports children living safer, happier, and healthier lives. No amount that you give is too big or too small.
Following are current fundraising opportunities:
Make a Donation icon Make a Donation icon
Make a Donation No amount is ever too small. Become apart of DreamBee Foundation’s movement to to advance the work of community organizations whose programs have proven efficacy around stoping abuse and neglect before it begins. Learn More
Become a Pollinator icon Become a Pollinator icon
Become a Pollinator Our generous supporting Pollinators fuel our efforts by pledging a minimum of one dollar per week or $52 per year. Learn More
Volunteer icon Volunteer icon
Volunteer Join the growing team of Pollinator Volunteers. Communities need help and we are deploying our talented team of volunteers to educate on proven deterrants of child abuse and neglect. Learn More
Discover Ways to Give

Your donation will help save the lives of innocent children.

Join the movement to eradicate child abuse and Neglect. No amount is too small.

Thank you for bringing hope and healing to hurting children.